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Body Contouring
8 Proven Liposuction Recovery Tips
September 10, 2019

liposuction recovery

Liposuction is the ideal procedure for patients who want to eliminate pockets of fat in stubborn areas. During liposuction, excess deposits of fat are removed from the targeted area to give the patient their desired figure while contouring the body. Ensure a speedy recovery after treatment by encouraging healing with these eight proven liposuction recovery tips.

Liposuction Recovery Timeline

  • 48-72 hours after surgery. Most patients experience a degree of pain and discomfort during the first few hours after having liposuction surgery. Your surgeon will provide pain medication to help improve your comfort levels. During this time, patients should wear the compression garment, get enough rest, and limit physical activities.
  • 1-2 weeks after liposuction. Over the first two weeks after liposuction surgery, some pain and discomfort may persist. Most patients can return to work so long as they avoid strenuous activities. Continue wearing the compression garment and watching the incisions and fluid drainage.
  • 2-5 weeks after surgery. Around this time, pain should have fully subsided, and the results of the procedure should start to become noticeable. All incisions should be fully healed at this time. In some cases, the treated areas may continue to show some signs of bruising and swelling. The majority of patients can resume moderate exercise after weeks three or four. Intensive exercises should continue to be avoided until you get the green light from your surgeon.
  • 6+ weeks after surgery. Typically, swelling and bruising have resolved by this time, and the patients can see what the procedure achieved. There’s no longer a need to wear compression garments, and most patients have the clear to engage in high impact exercises.

Eat Well

Following an excellent diet plan will ensure quick and uninterrupted recovery after liposuction. Additionally, patients who maintain a proper diet will experience less swelling. By incorporating vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients by eating well will help your body regain its strength and heal properly. Before undergoing your procedure, it’s also recommended to prepare for liposuction by:

  • Reducing your intake of salt, which can encourage the body to retain water and worsen swelling.
  • Increase your intake of protein to help with wound healing and the regrowth of skin and muscle.
  • Decrease your sugar intake to avoid suppressing your immune system.
  • Consume small amounts of food multiple times a day to avoid nausea or bloating.
  • After liposuction, follow the recommended post-liposuction recovery diet by incorporating foods including watermelon, strawberry, grapefruit, celery, and zucchini.

Keep Moving

Allow your body to rest and recover over the first 24 hours following liposuction. After the first 24 hours, light exercise, including short walks, can help to speed up the body’s healing process. Any intensive exercise should be avoided over the first few weeks. Your surgeon can instruct you on what is allowed and your timeline for reincorporating physical activities.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration is critical to prevent dehydration during recovery from liposuction. Typically, one should drink approximately eight glasses of water daily; however, after liposuction, your water intake should consist of 10-12 glasses daily. Other beverages that can take the place of water include tea, diluted fruit juice, low-calorie beverages, and skim milk. Avoid drinks that contain high amounts of sodium.

Know What To Wear

Knowing what to wear is equally essential to ensure a speedy recovery process. Clothes that fit too tightly can irritate your skin and slow down the recovery process. You must be comfortable during the recovery process, and many surgeons recommend that you wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.

Avoid Soaking

Soaking in water can reduce the rate of healing and increase your risk of getting an infection. Avoid soaking in a bath, hot tub, or submerging your body in any water until you are healed. In the place of soaking in the bathtub, consider getting a gentle massage to relieve any built-up tension.

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage (which focuses on releasing accumulated toxins from the lymph nodes) has been shown to decrease recovery time while minimizing discomfort and pain experienced by the patient. This type of massage, which should be done weekly, has also shown to boost the patient’s immunity, lowering the risk of infection.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Follow up appointments provide an opportunity for your surgeon to gauge your progress and monitor the healing and recovery process after liposuction. Make sure you attend all the post-op appointments as scheduled by your surgeon.

To learn more about if liposuction is the ideal treatment option for permanently removing your stubborn fat, contact Hinsdale Vein & Laser today to schedule a consultation appointment!

*Please note that there is a nonrefundable $100 deposit required for liposuction consultations. This will be applied to the procedure cost.

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