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Sagging Neck Skin: Why You Have It and How To Treat It
February 6, 2022

woman touching her neck closeup

The neck is often a place that shows signs of aging far before other body areas, yet it is frequently neglected. Skin begins to sag with time, muscles can stretch, and excess fat can cause the neck to lose its shape and make you appear older.

Undergoing plastic surgery to tighten sagging neck skin used to be the only option. In recent years, dedicated research and new advanced technologies have created numerous opportunities to deliver more refined, youthful necks and jawlines without the need to go under the knife to do so.

If you desire to improve the appearance of sagging neck skin, Hinsdale Vein & Laser can help you find the perfect treatment that will help you achieve your desired look.

What Causes Turkey Neck?

The skin on your neck is very susceptible to the signs of aging, much like the skin on your face. Two of the most common signs of aging are sagging skin and a turkey neck. Sagging skin affects the surface of your neck and can make the skin look wrinkled and rough, like the appearance of the skin on your elbows. Turkey neck, on the other hand, affects the underlying musculature and elasticity of the skin on your neck, resulting in loose, dangling folds of skin that look very much like a turkey’s wattle. Four common factors influence turkey neck.

Fat Distribution

Obesity and increased neck circumference are risk factors for developing stretched-out and loose skin in the neck. Genetics can also make you more likely to naturally carry excess fat under your chin and along the neck. This additional fat can cause your skin to stretch and result in folds that resemble a turkey neck. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and losing weight slowly rather than drastically can help decrease these fat deposits and allow the skin on the neck to tighten.

Skin Elasticity

Your skin has an abundance of collagen and elastin. These two proteins, collagen, give skin its structure, and elastin allows your skin to stretch as you move. As you age, your body loses its natural ability to repair and rejuvenate. This applies to our skin, and one of the first components that begin to suffer the hands of time is collagen.

Bone Position

The position of various bones in the neck can affect the skin underneath the chin. If the hyoid is set back away from the front of the neck, the skin will be naturally pulled back onto more of a square angle. If the hyoid bone is set forward, this, in turn, pushes the skin into a more rounded shape. The more forward your hyoid bone is set, the more it can make your neck skin more susceptible to gravity and decreased muscle tightness.

Muscle Tightness

The muscles that support your neck, and the skin over the top of it, can weaken with lack of use or simply as you age. As these muscles weaken, they are less and less likely and able to support the skin to which they are attached. This means that your skin won’t be pulled back into place as readily as it was when you were younger. Your muscles may not feel dramatically different, but the visible results are often sagging skin.

Exercises That Can Help

Here are four simple exercises you can perform anywhere, anytime, to give the skin on your neck a firmer, more youthful appearance:

  • Chewing – You can work the muscles in your neck just by chewing more. You don’t have to be eating to go through the chewing motion with your mouth.
  • Raise and turn – Lie on your back and gently raise your head and neck away from the floor. Once the head is raised, turn it to the left and the right in small and controlled movements.
  • Stretch – Tilt your head back slightly to stretch your neck. Hold for a count of five, and then return your head to its natural position. 
  • Kiss the sky – Comfortably tilt your head back until you are looking at the ceiling. Once in position, pucker your lips and “kiss the sky” for a count of five minutes. 

Don’t Forget To Moisturize

The skin on your neck is just as fragile and delicate as the skin on your face. Taking great care of your neck when you take care of your facial skin is vital. Use cleansers that are thorough yet gentle. Add serums to your nightly skincare regimen, as they do assist with collagen production. Be sure to moisturize your neck when you are moisturizing the rest of your body.

Treatment Options For Stubborn Loose Skin

At Hinsdale Vein & Laser, we offer the following treatments to our clients looking to tighten loose, sagging skin.

Venus Legacy

Venus Legacy is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment that uses Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (MP)2 mixed with the innovative VariPulse technology to deliver heat deep into the skin tightening safely. The treatment feels similar to getting a stone massage and doesn’t require any downtime after treatment.

Chin Liposuction

A double chin can be prominent and stubborn. Chin liposuction addresses excess fat below the chin and at the top of the neck. The treatment can be performed quickly with minimal downtime required.

Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction is appropriate for patients experiencing both a double chin and sagging, loose skin below the chin and on the neck. The laser helps tighten and lift the skin to create a clean line between the chin and neck. Ask Dr. Alkadri whether laser liposuction might be ideal for you at your consultation.


Plaxel plasma skin tightening lifts and tightens loose, crepey skin to improve fine lines, wrinkles and more. It is ideal for tightening neck skin and offers long-term results.

During a consultation, our experienced providers can determine which treatment is best suited for your skin concerns and how we can help you achieve noticeable results. Contact Hinsdale Vein & Laser today to schedule an appointment.