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Five Ways Fillers Fight Wrinkles
April 12, 2024

Woman with youthful skin.

When you hear about fillers, you may think about pouty lips and facial contouring, but did you know that dermal fillers are also a powerful anti-aging tool that can help you fight wrinkles?

Who knew that fillers have revolutionized the approach to combating lines and creases that can happen as we age?

How Fillers Work

At their core, dermal fillers are about restoring volume. As we age, skin naturally loses its collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, whgich eventually leads to the formation of wrinkles, lines, and sagging.

Fillers, often composed of substances like hyaluronic acid or poly-L-lactic acid, are injected beneath the skin’s surface to replenish what was lost. But their benefits extend far beyond mere “filling.”

Fillers and Wrinkles

You can certainly benefit from fillers if you want to subtly change the shape of certain features. But you can also use fillers to look younger, specifically to help with wrinkles. Here are some ways fillers address these ubiquitous (and annoying) symptoms of aging.

1- Filling in the Lines

The most immediate and obvious impact fillers can have on wrinkles is their ability to plump up the skin, smoothing out pesky lines. Think of this as a direct fix. By injecting fillers into specific areas – like the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, or forehead wrinkles – fillers can create a smoother, more youthful complexion in just one session. Results can last from six months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used.

2- Replacing Lost Volume

As we age, volume loss in the cheeks, temples, and lips can make the face look hollow or sunken, a telltale sign of aging. Basically, fat pads within our faces degrade and succumb to gravity. Fillers go beyond superficial lines, targeting these deeper areas to restore lost volume.

By carefully placing fillers, practitioners can sculpt and contour the face, bringing back the full, rounded features associated with youth. This not only reduces the appearance of wrinkles but also helps re-establish the facial structure and balance lost over time.

3- Boosting Collagen Production

Collagen is the skin’s scaffolding, providing structure and strength. Some fillers have a biostimulatory effect, meaning they encourage the body to produce more collagen. This process, which occurs over weeks to months, leads to gradual improvements in the skin and a reduction in the depth and severity of wrinkles.

The beauty of this approach is its longevity; by enhancing the skin’s natural repair processes, fillers can offer improvements that outlast the filler material itself.

4- Improving Skin Elasticity

Elasticity is what allows our skin to snap back into place, but it diminishes with age. Like with collagen, certain fillers can stimulate the skin’s production of elastin, the protein responsible for this “snap-back” ability. This indirect effect of fillers can improve skin texture and tone, making wrinkles less noticeable and helping the skin resist new ones.

5- Lifting Sagging Skin

Gravity takes its toll on the skin, leading to drooping and sagging, especially around the jawline, cheeks, and neck. While fillers can’t replace a facelift, they can offer a nonsurgical alternative for lifting and tightening sagging areas.

By strategically placing fillers in the midface area, for instance, practitioners can create a lifting effect that extends downward, reducing jowls and sharpening the jawline. This not only diminishes wrinkles but also rejuvenates the overall appearance of the face.

Ready to Try Fillers for Anti-Aging?

If you’re interested in turning back the clock of your skin, book an appointment ASAP. We can help you discover how fillers, or other cosmetic treatments, can help you meet your short and long-term anti-aging and skincare goals.


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